We, The Parents...
Global Constitutional Convention to Establish a World of Truth, Freedom & Love For Our Children.
We, the Parents…
Invitation To A Global Constitutional Convention
To Establish A World Of Truth, Freedom And Love
For Our Children.
We, the Parents of Humanity’s Children, hereby invite all Mothers and Fathers to participate in this Global Convention to create a Constitution for our Children to live in a world of Truth, Freedom and Love.
Truth, Freedom and Love are the polar opposites of the world that exists at this time in history (2023), a world of Lies, Deception, Tyranny, Fear and Hatred, which we have allowed to flourish by our devotion to comfort, safety and security promised by two-faced authoritarian thought leaders: Educational, Religious, Political and Scientific. We have not been vigilant.
The “Globalist Elite” behind this culture of Lies, Deception, Tyranny, Fear and Hatred are further defined by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s International Legal Team and their Grand Jury investigation and criminal indictment of the World Economic Forum and Great Reset entities, whose trans-humanist agenda is to bio-engineer humans into Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) by using U.S. Patent Law, patented “vaccinations”. Said bio-engineered humans (our children) will then be their “patented” property; to control, use or abuse as they wish.
We, the Parents of Humanity’s Children, must emphasize that the “Globalist Elite” Dominators have accomplished the conquest of Humanity with just two of the favorite tactics of history’s Dominators:
(a) False flag attacks to distract, deceive and mislead… creating mass fear and hatred.
Think: How to create massive public fear and hatred of ANYONE who owns a gun.
Or: How to create public compliance and control by claiming Extra-Terrestrial “attacks.”
(b) Divide and conquer. If we claim that our truth is the one and only truth, we are helping the Dominators to divide and conquer. We must make sure our truth(s) is/are inclusive of others, not exclusive.
We, the Parents of Humanity, posit that Truth, Freedom and Love are the highest inclusive priority for all religious or spiritual beliefs, ethnicities, and nationalities (humanity). Holding to this priority unites, instead of dividing.
With this priority, we are all sovereign beings with free will, so long as we respect this intrinsic quality in others. With this priority, all parents are solely responsible for their children.
Throughout history, the warmongering, fear and hate creating Dominators mindset has deliberately killed countless millions of humans and others using this simple divide and conquer tactic on non-thinking, spiritually unaware and fearful populations. If we each maintain our awareness that we are eternal energy beings (souls) using a temporary physical body to fulfill our own unique mission in this physical dimension, we are FEARLESS.
We, the Parents of Humanity’s Children, wish to connect, communicate and share information & resources with the global community of Mothers and Fathers regarding the many choke points already created or being created to TOTALLY CONTROL humanity’s children, such as:
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), Food Production, Distribution of Essential Goods and Services, Communication & Assembly Rights, Transportation & Travel, Education, and Centralized Artificial Intelligence Control of all aspects of human life using China’s Social Credit System as a global template. The World Health Organization and Global Elites are creating a Global Totalitarian control system using Public Health as a weapon to enslave humanity.
We, the Parents of Humanity’s Children, suggest:
(a) Using Community And Family Empowerment workshops (online & in person) to build national & international decentralized Freedom Hubs.
(b) Creation of an international network marketing Private Membership Association to teach the Principles of Freedom. If we do not know or understand the Principles of Freedom, how can we manifest a culture of Truth, Freedom and Love? I.e. Democracy is having Freedom defined by the largest group, association or gang.
In truth, freedom is individual sovereignty, with free will, which is our birthright from a loving Creator. Only Mothers and Fathers create children in this dimension.
Note from great grandpa Will:
Email this draft to the following and suggest they connect and cooperate with each other to bring such a Constitutional Convention into existence.
Mikki Willis
Dr. Steven Greer
Michael Clarage
Robert J. Burrowes
William Buhlman
James Roguski
David Martin
Jon Rappoport
Whitney Webb
Elena Freeland
Pam Poppers
Dr. Naomi Wolf
J.B. Shurk
Jack Van Landingham
Dr. Robert Epstein
Vandana Shiva
Dr. Joseph Mercola
Patrick Wood
Tom Fitton
Michael Batrano
Mike & Vanessa Colomb
Dr. Gerald Pollack
Paul Levy
Richard Mack
If you know someone to add to this list please ask them to join us. Some of the other names for the Global Elites are: Satanists, Shape Shifting Multi-headed Beast, Wetiko, Barkley’s acronym S.N.O.T.S. for Socialist-Nazi-Oligarchy-Totalitarian-Syndrome. Whatever the name, it is the energy of pure evil that wants our children and our individual sovereignty.
Love and blessings to all who read this message. As parents, we must look into the various forms, shapes and disguises of the Beast and proclaim YOU CANNOT HAVE OUR CHILDREN!
Great grandpa Will Barkley, author “Why?...So Our Children May Know Freedom.”
Website: www.MakeItSo.info
First contact email: wontbark@yahoo.com
Cell phone: 931-248-5757 (text please)
Temporary residence: Crossville, TN U.S.A. 38572